Participants should bring appropriate clothing, shoes, etc. All else is provided by the program: towels, sheets, blankets, free laundry facilities, laundry soap, shaving cream, soap, razors, etc.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided every day and snacks and coffee are almost always available. There are also available vending machines.
Things to avoid bringing: cell phones, electronic equipment that is connective, stereo systems, (personal units with headphones are acceptable). Pay phones are available at the facility.
On the participants assigned Family Group day, they may receive items from their visitors that of course will be approved by staff. This may include sodas, snacks, clothes, etc. Such deliveries are not permitted at other times.
What are A Few of the Basic Rules?
We are a zero-tolerance facility which means that any use or possession of drugs or alcohol will result in immediate termination.
Any kind of threats to either participants or staff will result in termination.
Persons who must register as a 290 offender or register for arson offenses are not eligible to enter the program.
Participants must undergo random testing for drugs and alcohol. This includes breathalyzing every time a participant returns to the program from an outside appointment. In the case of a positive test result, the participant will be required to leave.
Interactions between male and female participants is prohibited.